Yarnies Oscar, Charlotte, Tilly, Jalani and Lola share some yarns about themselves and whatever story makes them happy, to celebrate NAIDOC week and all things Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. This episode you’ll get to meet the whole Yarn Quest team, learn all about where their people come from and what they do at our home of podcasting; Awesome Black. Don’t know the history of NAIDOC week? Well Kira’s Fact Break will help you learn all about it! Jump on in and learn all about NAIDOC week.
A huge thank you to Oscar, Charlotte, Tilly, Jalani (& Maria) and Lola for their help with this episode.
Anyone under 18 can submit to Yarn Quest. If you want to submit a story, an idea or even a drawing for the next episode find us on Instagram @yarnquest or send us an email to yarnquest@awesomeblack.org. Don’t forget to check out www.awesomeblack.org for our free downloadable activity sheet for every episode!
Expert Guest: The Awesome Black Team
Hosted by: Brooke Scobie & Uncle Mot
Executive Producer: Jade Goodwin
Producers: Tully De Vries & Brooke Scobie
Mixing and editing by: Brooke Scobie & Travis De Vries
Artwork by: Jade Goodwin